Periodic Tests (05 marks): As earlier, these would be restricted to 3 in each subject in an academic year and the average of best 2 would be taken for final submission of marks. Periodic Assessment is further divided into the following:ġ. In essence, this is an assessment for, of and as learning. The students, thus, are enabled for better learning and setting up realistic goals.

The feedback also helps students to know their errors as well as strengths and weaknesses. Such Assessment done at regular intervals provides feedback and insight to teachers regarding learners’ needs and helps them to improve instruction, do remedial teaching and set curricular targets for a student or a group of students. The main purpose of the Periodic Assessment is to assess the learning progress of students. Let us understand all these points in detail.

The aim of this is to find out areas for improvement and assess the student comprehensively. These are:Īs discussed, an internal assessment is formative in nature. Internal Assessment has mainly three parts. It also informs the individual learner about his/ her progress over a period of time enabling them to develop strategies to improve learning. IA, in effect school-based assessment, plays the dual role of providing a complete picture of students’ abilities or progress towards fulfilling the aims of education and informing teachers’ of students’ progress and therefore supporting classroom learning. One time year-end examination is complemented and supplemented with Internal Assessment (IA) that assesses students in a diverse manner, at different times and also examines a broad range of curriculum objectives. Internal Assessment (20 Marks) is formative in nature that is conducted within the school premises only. You can download m圜BSEguide App to score high in exams. Here are a few points that every student and parent must know. They are assuming that schools will award marks on the basis of periodical tests and school notebooks only. Most of the parents are not aware of that. Now the fact is, CBSE has also introduced a new pattern of Internal Assessment.